Our staff could not be more excited to serve our students at Camp Sychar this summer! We’re praying for you now, as we’re preparing for the summer. Let us know if there’s anyway we can be praying for you!

Meet the Staff

  • Zach Riggs

    Secretary of Youth Ministries

  • Meghan Riggs

    “The Boss”

  • Dina Reasoner

    Support Staff

  • Franco Salvatori

    Youth Evangelist

  • Adrian McNeal

    Worship Leader

  • Bethany McNeal

    Worship Leader

  • Billy Wilson

    Head Barn Counselor - Tractor Crew Co-Leader

  • Caleb Keene

    Barn Counselor - Tractor Crew Co-Leader

  • Ben Adkins

    Barn Counselor

  • Daniel Waggoner

    Barn Counselor

  • Tommy Hawk

    Barn Counselor

  • Emily Brookes

    Head Dorm Counselor

  • Kelsey Carter

    Dorm Counselor

  • Annie Wilson

    Dorm Counselor

  • Sarah Grissom

    Dorm Counselor

  • Alex Reasoner

    Dorm Counselor